
Thinking of buying a DogueDeBordeaux puppy from Rangersdogoargentinohome.com?

Rangersdogoargentinohome.com is an online puppy scam targeting Australia.
Australians love their pets and some are willing to spend a lot of money to buy the puppy of their choice. This, however makes them a target for puppy scammers who take advantage of peoples love for pets.

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Scam Website Report for Rangersdogoargentinohome.com

Rangersdogoargentinohome.com will steal images of puppys online to create a professional looking website.
They will register online numbers to hide their location and will then create online adverts. These criminals advertise as widely as possible on free classified websites like Gumtree.com.au, Tradingpost.com.au and Facebook. These scammers even pay for adverts on Google Adwords so that it appears that they are on the front page of Google Search
The criminals behind puppy scams often claim to be based in Tazmania in order to get you to pay for shipping.

Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Rangersdogoargentinohome.com?

Rangersdogoargentinohome.com was registered on Thursday 25th April 2024 and was reported to us on Saturday 4th May 2024 which is 9 days after the domain was registered.
You can check the registration details on WHOIS

View WHOIS details for Rangersdogoargentinohome.com

Who owns Rangersdogoargentinohome.com

puppy scammers are very good at hiding their tracks and it is not easy to determine the actual identity of the criminal. They registered the domain using the name:
and the phone number:

How do I contact Rangersdogoargentinohome.com

Rangersdogoargentinohome.com uses the email info@rangersdogoargentinohome.com
and and phone number
.The registrant address is
1928 E. Highland Ave. Ste F104 PMB# 255, Phoenix, US.
However this is only where the domain was registered.
The scammer is not located here.

Additional information?

We aim to collect as much information as possible about Rangersdogoargentinohome.com and the criminals behind it. If we have helped you, please help others by adding information that we do not have by clicking the link below.

Let Us Know

How to report a puppy scam in Australia

Your Local Police

If you have paid money to Rangersdogoargentinohome.com you are the victim of a puppy scam.
It is important to file a police report and to get a police reference number. This may be useful if you will be filing a report with your bank.

Report to your bank

Pet Scammers often use"money mules" in order to receive the stolen money. Mules are persuaded to use their bank account to recive your money and then to send to the scammer.
Contact your bank immediatly to let them know that you have been scammed. They may be able to freeze the transaction.

Report to PuppyScams.org

Bank accounts, email addresses, phone numbers and domains can be reported to us here Report a scam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Rangersdogoargentinohome.com legit?

Rangersdogoargentinohome.com is a pet scam which offers DogueDeBordeaux puppys for sale using a professional website however they NEVER deliver.
This is a common "non delivery" scam where the criminals will focus on people wanting to buy pets online. Once you have paid money to these criminals, they will continue to scam you by charging for delivery, permits, etc etc.
They will never deliver.

Who owns Rangersdogoargentinohome.com?

Rangersdogoargentinohome.com is owned by criminals.
It was created and is maintained for the sole purpose of scamming people wishing to buy firearms online. The scammers behind Rangersdogoargentinohome.com take every opportunity to hide their tracks and even use money mules to launder the money so it cannot be traced back to them.

Why can't I find Rangersdogoargentinohome.com reviews?

Rangersdogoargentinohome.com is an extremely new domain created in Thu, 01 Jan 1970. It may take several months of criminal behaviour before the website generates bad reviews. We aim to create a negative review for Rangersdogoargentinohome.com as soon as possible in order to prevent people from being scammed.

What is Rangersdogoargentinohome.com's location?

You can find several physical addresses connected to Rangersdogoargentinohome.com. The criminals will often have an address on their website but, if asked, they will probably give you a secondary address. You can also find an address connected to the domain on the WHOIS records however the scammers will always use a false address.

Why is Rangersdogoargentinohome.com not working?

Scam websites like Rangersdogoargentinohome.com are frequently shut down by the registrar and/or the hosting company.
If the hosting is shutdown, the scammers will upload the website to a new hosting.
If the domain is shut down, the scammers will create a new, unblemished domain and website without any negative reviews.
They will then continue scamming.

How to recognise a DogueDeBordeaux puppy Scam

Any of those concerns below are forgivable individually. But combined they are cause to worry that the Seller is a fraud. You will not be the scammers first potential victim and any time you question them you can be assured that they already have a scripted answer for every question you have.

Whois data

The Whois data will give you a lot of information such as the date registered (Thu, 01 Jan 1970)View WHOIS details

Email address

Scammers may use an email like rangersdogoargentinohome-com@gmail.com or info@rangersdogoargentinohome.com but may also use other email address over multiple domains.

Phone Manner

A genuine seller will use a phone number that is often published on their website. Scammers use multiple phone numbers to call, text or Whatsapp. Scammers phone manner will also be very vague as they don't know which type of scam you are responding to!

Reverse Image

These scammers are not actually selling anything. They need to steal the photos online so as to appear that they actually have a puppy for sale. Sometimes you can find the images they are using have been previously used. Sometimes even years before.
You can check if images have been previously used by using Google Image Search or Yandex Image search.

Payment Types

As usual, if it sounds good to be true, it is.
The prices on Rangersdogoargentinohome.com are too good to be true. Scammers will often offer a bank account to allow you to transfer money to the account. The account will be owened by an unwitting third party however it is very important to report and shut it down.. You can report payment types here

Video Chat

Any breeder with a professional website like Rangersdogoargentinohome.com would be expected to be able to have a video chat with a prospective buyer. This is a simple thing for a breeder to do however it is impossible for a scammer to do as they dont have the puppy in their possession.
If you ask for a simple video chat over the phone so you can inspect the puppy in real time, the scammer will refuse.

Whois data

The Whois data will give you a lot of information such as the date registered (Thu, 01 Jan 1970)View WHOIS details

Email address

Scammers may use an email like rangersdogoargentinohome-com@gmail.com or info@rangersdogoargentinohome-com but may also use other email address over multiple domains.

Phone Manner

Scammers use multiple phone numbers to call, text or Whatsapp. Scammers phone manner will also be very vague as they don't know which type of scam you are responding to!

Reverse Image

Scammers steal photos online so as to appear that they actually have a puppy for sale. Check images on Google Image Search or Yandex Image search.

Payment Types

The prices on Rangersdogoargentinohome.com are too good to be true. Scammers will often offer a bank account to allow you to transfer money to the account. The account will be owened by an unwitting third party however it is very important to report and shut it down.. You can report payment types here

Video Chat

The prices on Rangersdogoargentinohome.com are too good to be true. Scammers will often offer a bank account to allow you to transfer money to the account..
If you ask for a simple video chat over the phone so you can inspect the licence in real time, the scammer will refuse.

What are the red flags on Rangersdogoargentinohome.com?

There are multiple, various red flags on scam websites like Rangersdogoargentinohome.com. Some are easy to find while others are more technical or subtle.
They can include:

Reusing photographs
Minimal contact information
Bad spelling or grammar
Lack of social media links
No eternal online reviews or bad online reviews
Recently registered domains

Some call it a gut feeling, some call it an culmination of red flags. In any case anyone attempting to buy from Rangersdogoargentinohome.com? will not need to be technically minded to see that Rangersdogoargentinohome.com? is a scam. The minimal content of the website with minimal online history as well as either erratic or "copy and paste" corrospondence is enough for most people.
Many people, of course, won't notice until it is too late.
See other warnings on Home - Rangers Dogo Argentino Home

Add to report

Shutting down Rangersdogoargentinohome.com will have no effect on the scammer or the scammers operations
Here at PuppyScams.org we aim to collect all the data that is connected to Rangersdogoargentinohome.com.
If you have any information, especially if it is connected to the methods of payment that the scammer is using, please click the link below and let us know.

Report Rangersdogoargentinohome.com

Archive of Rangersdogoargentinohome.com website text

The Dogo Argentino is a loyal breed with a tendency to be highly territorial, making them excellent watchdogs. The Dogo Argentino Dog Breed The Dogo Argentino, sometimes called the Argentinian Mastiff or the Argentine Dogo, is a strong, athletic, and loyal breed. They can be both fierce hunters and gentle protectors of their humans. They have a high prey drive, a strong will, and, at times, a distrust of strangers and other animals, all of which require an experienced dog owner to handle the ...

The above is an archive of the content on Rangersdogoargentinohome.com